lunchbox template
why do we need a template…
When we have a routine everything runs a lot smoother, right? Think of this as a routine. When we know where everything goes, it takes the thinking out of this daily task.
Lunchboxes should be fun, exciting, therapeutic and something to look forward to! I have made it just a little easier for you by creating this template as a guide when those lunchbox creative juices are running a little dry.
This makes life easier down the track, once your child gets used to where everything goes they eventually can pack their own. Which is exactly what has happened for me in my home. The only job I have is making sure I have stocked the fridge with everything from each section. I will be sharing more on how I do this in my upcoming workshops.
Below are the Templates I’ve created for you using 3 of my favourite Lunchbox’s that are ideal for having seperate compartments for your designated food groups.
legend for your template
template 1
template 2
template 3
If you require more information or would like a PDF of one of these templates to print out and stick on your fridge please don’t hesitate to email me on -