My family and I are super excited to announce we are currently on our trip around Australia spreading our message about nutrition and wholesome living. I have lovingly called our trip “The Whole Way Around” (pretty cool,right?)
We have become known as the Health Coach Family, in many towns where we have already run programs which have changed peoples lives. Combining this with our love of 4wding and camping we are doing this the simplest way possible with our Hilux Ute and a Tent, enabling us to reach more remote communities, while enjoying our own adventure, showing others just how awesome it is to Live “The Whole Way”.
As this travelling- Health Coach Family concept has never been done before, during our travels have been documenting our journey, the people and the impact via blogs, videos and images sharing how we are living The Whole Way.
I founded The Whole Way as a functional nutrition consultant and lifestyle coach, as I am committed to encourage, guide and support people who aspire to reach and maintain their new outlook on life. It is part of our philosophy to provide innovative and fresh ways to inspire and teach those who have made the choice to change their lives, and realise their ultimate health and happiness potential. Since I started coaching through my innovative programs and consultations, I have had such wonderful feedback from all of those who have participated, and an overwhelming demand to travel to various towns to further teach and inspire others.
We all know the first thing to do when trying to make changes for the better is just do it!!!
Are you thinking about changing your lifestyle for the better? Does more energy and clarity sound like an amazing way to kick off 2018?
Get in touch with me now and there's a great chance we will be heading in your direction. Now I need to be clear that this is not for everybody. If you are not ready to take actionable steps to a healthier happier life for you and your family then this isn't for you. I only work with clients who are really ready to make a change, get rid of the nasties out of your cupboard and are ready to take the steps to life a whole, healthy and happy life. The reason being is I want to see you succeed and take on board everything I teach you and there may never be the chance to work with me so closely as in my brand new HOME STAYS!!
That's right!! My family and I are coming to live with you for a week and show you exactly how we live morning to night. You will see my routine from shopping, food prep, recipes and much more! This is a truly exciting time for The Whole Way and I feel truly blessed to be able to touch so many lives.
If this sounds too good to miss fill in your details below to schedule a call with me and don't wait as I'd hate to miss you on our journey.
"Jodie Heselwood is a 'Shifter', she creates shifts in people’s way of thinking about how to be healthy. Out with waiting until you’re sick and in with prevention, but not in a dull boring way but rather with; passion, fun, enjoyment and along with that comes massive achievements in life and health outcomes. Jodie is the person that can help people make change, no matter what stage of life, through her coaching, teaching, passion and love of life(style). She is infectious, when you come in to contact with her, you will want what she has achieved in her own health and joy."
- Cyndi O'Meara "Changing Habits"