probiotic panna cotta


easy snack

This is a fun way to get some nourishing gut loving foods into your diet. Gelatin helps heal the gut lining, while the Coconut Yogurt provides beneficial bacteria to build a healthy gut microbiome.

Hope you like it.

Vanilla & Lemon Flavour


1.5 Tbs Grass-Fed Organic Gelatin (mix into 1 tbs of filtered water to bloom)
1 Cup of Coconut Milk or Cream (I use Pure Harvest or Ayam)
1 Cup of Coconut Yogurt (using Kultured Wellness Starter)
0.5 Tsp Vanilla Powder
1/2 - 1 Lemon (Zest and Juice)
Stevia to Taste


Bloom the Gelatin.

Add Milk or Cream to Thermomix or Saucepan on low heat and dissolve in gelatin.

Remove from heat and let cool slightly and stir in the remaining ingredients.

Taste to see if it requires more Stevia or Lemon.

Allow the mixture to cool completely before pouring into glasses/ramekins or I use these.

Place in the fridge and set.


  • If you are new to Kultured Wellness Yogurt its best to start with small amounts.

  • Have a play with different flavours just stick to 1.5 tsp of Gelatin to 2 Cup of Liquids.

  • If you aren’t ready to put ferments in your Panna Cotta simply omit the yogurt do 2 cups of Milk/Cream.

  • My kids there Panna Cotta to school in these nifty little tufferware containers

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